Social media has become a key marketing channel for businesses. It’s difficult to find consumers who are not active on social media, and if you want to reach your audience, social media is the best place to do so.

However, as social media has grown in popularity, the market has become oversaturated. Many marketers are competing for the same audience, which can make it difficult to stand out.

If you want to grow your brand presence on social media, you need to innovate. In this post, we’re going to look at ten innovative social media techniques that can help you grow your brand presence.

1. Get Personal

People want to do business with other people, not with faceless corporations. Social media allows you to get personal with your audience and build a human connection.

You can use social media to share the story behind your brand and the people who make it all happen. Showcasing your employees can be a fantastic way to humanize your brand.

You can also use social media to engage with your audience on a personal level. Respond to comments and messages, and make an effort to get to know your followers.

2. Tell a Story

People love stories. In fact, stories are scientifically proven to have a direct impact on our brains. When we listen to a story, our brains release oxytocin, a chemical that helps us connect, empathize, and trust.

That’s why storytelling is such a powerful marketing tool. When you tell a story, you help your audience connect with your brand on an emotional level. You also make your brand more memorable.

There are lots of ways to tell a story on social media. You can use Instagram’s carousel feature to tell a story in a series of images, or you can create a Facebook video that tells your brand’s story in a compelling way.

No matter how you choose to tell your story, just make sure it’s authentic and that it helps your audience connect with your brand.

3. Post User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is any content — including videos, images, and text — that has been created and published online by your audience. This is a great way to show your audience that you value them and appreciate their content.

You can then share their content on your social media channels and tag them in the posts. This can help you build a stronger relationship with your audience and encourage more people to create and share content about your brand.

It can also help you grow your brand presence by reaching a wider audience and getting your content in front of new potential customers. When people see that you’re sharing UGC, they may be more likely to follow your brand and engage with your content. Leveraging a growth mindset can transform challenges into opportunities, encouraging us to learn from the diverse perspectives and creativity found in user-generated content. Also, you can hire a copywriter who can help you create a perfect content plan, provide fresh and interesting ideas, and save your time.

4. Use Social Media to Solve Customer Problems

Social media is a great way to connect with your customers. But it’s also a great way to solve their problems.

Make sure you’re monitoring your social media channels for any customer complaints or questions. And when you find them, respond to them as quickly as possible.

This can help you build trust with your customers and show them that you care about their needs. It can also help you turn a negative experience into a positive one.

In addition, when you solve customer problems on social media, other people will see it. This can help you build your brand presence and show potential customers that you’re a company that cares about its customers.

Additionally, if you gain insights from common questions received from your customers on social media, you can use this for future social media content. For example, if your audience is small to medium-sized business owners who commonly ask about free resources and templates, you can create content to promote those tools, including free estimate templates, payment reminder email templates, and more.

5. Run a Contest or Giveaway

One of the most effective ways to increase your brand’s social media presence is to run a contest or giveaway.

Not only does this increase engagement, but it also exposes your brand to a wider audience. When people see that you’re giving away something valuable, they’re more likely to share your post with their friends, which can help you attract new followers. This is especially helpful when you’re launching a new product or are looking to grow your following.

Make sure you’re clear about the rules and how people can enter. You might also want to consider using a contest app to help you manage entries and choose a winner.

And don’t forget to promote your contest on all your social media channels, not just the one you’re using to run the contest.

6. Create a Social Media-Only Deal

Use your social media accounts to offer exclusive deals to your followers.

You can create a special offer that’s only available to people who follow your social media accounts.

This is a great way to reward your current followers and attract new ones. People are more likely to follow your accounts if they know they can get special discounts and deals.

You can also use this technique to drive traffic to your website. Include a link to your website in the post, and encourage people to visit your site to take advantage of the deal.

7. Partner with an Influencer

Influencer marketing is a powerful tool for connecting with new audiences and driving brand awareness.

Influencers have already built up a following that trusts their recommendations, so partnering with an influencer in your industry can help you get your brand in front of potential customers.

To find the right influencer to partner with, start by researching popular accounts in your industry. Look for accounts with a large following and high engagement rates. You can also use influencer marketing tools, like Upfluence or AspireIQ, to help you find and connect with influencers in your industry.

Once you’ve found an influencer you’d like to partner with, reach out to them to discuss potential collaboration opportunities. Be sure to clearly explain what you’re looking for and what you can offer in return.

When you partner with an influencer, you can ask them to create content featuring your brand or products, or even have them take over your social media account for a day, with guidance from experts like a business coach, who can provide strategies to ensure maximum audience reach and engagement with your brand.

8. Post at the Right Time

Timing is everything on social media. The more you post, the more you’ll be able to analyze when you get the most engagement.

Use this data to create a posting schedule.

You can also use tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social to schedule posts in advance.

This is a great way to ensure that you’re posting at the right times, even if you’re too busy to do it manually.

9. Utilize Video

Video is a highly engaging form of content that is perfect for social media. From short clips to long-form videos, there are a lot of options for how you can use video on social media.

One of the best things about video content is that you can repurpose it across different social media platforms.

For example, you could post a short clip of a longer video on Instagram and then link to the full video on YouTube to get more YouTube views.

Video also tends to get more reach than other types of content on social media. This is because the algorithms on most platforms prioritize video content. To maximize your videos’ potential, consider using tool for editing and resizing them to fit the unique style and requirements of each platform

If you’re not already using video on social media, now is the time to start. You can create videos with Visme, edit them, and post them on your social channels.

10. Use Social Media to Build a Community

Social media is a great place to build a community around your brand. You can use your social media profiles to engage with your audience, answer questions, and share content that your audience will find valuable.

You can also create Facebook groups or LinkedIn groups where your audience can come together to talk about your brand, ask questions, and share their own experiences.

Building a community around your brand on social media is a great way to increase brand loyalty and trust. When your audience feels like they are a part of a community, they are more likely to feel a connection to your brand.

This can lead to increased customer retention and repeat business.

Wrapping Up

Social media is a fast-paced world that’s constantly changing. If you want to grow your brand presence, you need to stay ahead of the curve.

Innovative social media techniques can help you do just that. By experimenting with new ideas, you can find fresh ways to connect with your audience and stand out from the competition.

The 10 techniques we covered in this article are a great place to start. But don’t stop there. Keep experimenting and trying new things to see what works best for your brand.

Growing your brand on social media is a big job. It takes time, effort, and a lot of creativity. But if you put in the work, you’ll be sure to see great results.

Use these innovative social media techniques to grow your brand presence and reach more people online.